Based on the step function and signum function, a chaotic system which can generate multiscroll chaotic attractors with arrangement\nof saddle-shapes is proposed and the stability of its equilibrium points is analyzed. The under mechanism for the\ngeneration of multiscroll chaotic attractors and the reason for the arrangement of saddle shapes and being symmetric about y-axis\nare presented, and the rule for controlling the number of scroll chaotic attractors with saddle shapes is designed. Based on the core\nchips including Altera Cyclone IV EP4CE10F17C8 Field Programmable Gate Array and Digital to Analog Converter chip\nAD9767, the peripheral circuit and the Verilog Hardware Description Language program for realization of the proposed\nmultiscroll chaotic system is constructed and some experimental results are presented for confirmation. The research result shows\nthat the occupation of multipliers and Phase-Locked Loops in Field Programmable Gate Array is zero.